125+ Most Likely To Questions

It’s always interesting to hear people’s opinions, and these Who is Most Likely to Questions are designed to do just that. They are great conversation starters and get everyone talking and sharing surprising stories. The questions should be thought-provoking and interesting.

A fun question could be, “Who would be most likely to bungee jump?” It seems simple, but it really speaks to who might be the biggest risk-taker in the group.

So, get some of your friends together and get ready to have fun. You’ll find out who is most likely to be easily embarrassed. It’s a great way to discover new things about family and friends.

You could be shocked by uncle Bill admitting he would be the most likely to get a heart tattoo. Or, your buddy Bob is saying he’s the most likely to get arrested. And don’t forget that at one point or another, you’ll probably be in the hot seat too during this questions game.

You just might confess to being the most likely to go skinny dipping. Here are the ‘Who’s Most Likely to’ questions. Gather the group, and enjoy!

Who is the most likely to?

These “Who is most likely to questions” are sure to create some interesting conversations. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

1.) Who would be the most likely to play a professional sport?

2.) Who is most likely to be the best cook?

3.) Who would be most likely to win an acting award?

4.) Who is most likely to be the most scared watching a horror movie?

5.) Who was most likely a Nerd in High School?

6.) Who is most likely to get a piercing (ears don’t count)?

7.) Who would be most likely to sleepwalk out of their house?

8.) Who would be most likely to survive a bear attack (and you can’t say, “The bear.”)?

9.) Who is most likely to become a priest or a nun?

10.) Who is most likely to join a street gang?

11.) Who would most likely never be invited to a dinner party?

12.) Who is most likely to win a Nobel Prize?

See 173 Astrology Quotes and Captions.

Most Likely to questions.

The Best

Here are some of our favorite “Who is most likely to questions.”

13.) Who is most likely to dye their hair green?

14.) Who is most likely to become a professional wrestler?

15.) Who is the most likely to gossip?

16.) Who is most likely to win a Nobel Peace Prize?

See 173 Deep Questions To Ask.

17.) Who is most likely to do something embarrassing in public?

18.) Who is most likely to become a stand-up comedian?

19.) Who is most likely to date two people at the same time?

20.) Who is most likely to become the richest person in the room?

21.) Who is most likely to act like a Karen if disappointed at a retail store?

22.) Who is most likely to establish a charitable organization?

23.) Who is most likely to become a successful Radio Host?

24.) Who would be most likely to become the most powerful person in the world?

Check out our Good Insults page.

Funny most likely to

It’s not always the question that’s funny. It’s the possible responses in these “Who is most likely to questions.”

25.) Who is most likely to join the F.B.I.?

26.) Who is most likely to have a reality TV show?

27.) Who is most likely to win a Grammy?

28.) Who is most likely to be a perfectionist?

29.) Who is most likely to make a scientific breakthrough?

30.) Who is most likely to get divorced within a year of their marriage?

31.) Who is most likely to be detained by the police?

32.) Who is most likely to run away and join the circus?

33.) Who is most likely to be the most sensitive?

34.) Who is the most likely to have the hottest boyfriend/girlfriend?

35.) Who is most likely to be the most giving?

36.) Who is most likely to get attacked by a wild animal?

See 201 Good Questions To Ask Your Girlfriend.


37.) Who is the most likely to screw up the first date?

38.) Who is most likely to be sarcastic?

39.) Who is most likely to be the most insecure?

40.) Who is most likely to call in sick to work to attend a sporting event?

41.) Who is most likely to never go to a serious drama movie?

42.) Who is most likely to be the most creative?

43.) Who is most likely to be the most daring?

44.) Who would most likely live the longest?

45.) Who is most likely to give up a secret?

46.) Who is most likely not to vote in an election?

47.) Who is most likely to drive an electric car?

48.) Who is most likely to share a secret?

49.) Who is most likely to end up in prison?

50.) Who is most likely to be the most emotional?

Check out 77 Never Have I Ever Questions for the Game

Questions For Couples

Who knows more about each other? Find out with these “Who is most likely to questions.”

51.) Who is most likely to be the best liar?

52.) Who is most likely to tell the most jokes?

53.) Who is the most likely to never get married?

54.) Who is the most likely to volunteer for a scientific experiment?

55.) Who is the most likely to buy a snake for a pet?

56.) Who is the most likely to make it big as an actress/actor?

57.) Who is the most likely not to want kids?

58.) Who is most likely to be the most paranoid?

59.) Who is the most likely to be involved in a scandal?

60.) Who is the most likely to be the most caring?

61.) Who is the most likely to secretly be a rock star?

62.) Who is most likely to be the biggest worrier?

63.) Who is the most likely to enjoy a zombie apocalypse?

64.) Who is the most likely to cry at the end of a sad movie?

Couples Questions Funny

65.) Who is most likely to fall asleep on the couch?

66.) Who is most likely to eat with their fingers?

67.) Who is most likely to talk to their pet?

68.) Who is most likely to get arrested for walking around naked in public?

69.) Who is most likely to have a one-night stand?

70.) Who is most likely to be the angriest?

71.) Who is most likely to cry during a romantic movie?

72.) Who is the most likely to have an irrational fear?

73.) Who is most likely to hold their breath the longest?

74.) Who is most likely to be the happiest?

75.) Who is most likely to marry a celebrity?

76.) Who is the most likely to live in the country?

77.) Who is the most likely to listen to classical music?

78.) Who is most likely a former boy/girl scout?

79.) Who is most likely to watch a romantic comedy movie?

80.) Who is most likely to be involved in the most drama?

Game Questions For Friends

“Who is most likely to questions” for friends might create a little conflict at times. Go in with the right attitude and have some fun with it.

81.) Who is the most likely to be the best in math?

82.) Who is the most likely to go to a Jonas Brothers concert?

83.) Who is most likely to go to a professional wrestling match?

84.) Who is the most likely to get in an accident?

85.) Who is the most likely to fail a drug test?

86.) Who is the most likely to order something strange for dinner?

87.) Who is the most likely to accidentally walk into a wall?

88.) Who is the most likely to take a trip into space?

89.) Who is the most likely to spend the most time at a museum?

90.) Who is the most likely to punch someone?

91.) Who is most likely to have their own company?

92.) Who is most likely to become President of the United States?

93.) Who is the most likely to do an embarrassing dance?

94.) Who is the most likely to jump on a moving train?

95.) Who is the most likely to be late for their own wedding?


96.) Who is most likely to be the best in science?

97.) Who is the most likely to listen to jazz?

98.) Who is most likely to have a side hustle?

99.) Who is the most likely to have plastic surgery?

100.) Who is most likely to make it in the Guinness Book of World Records?

101.) Who is most likely to flirt with a total stranger?

102.) Who is the most likely to take a trip around the world?

103.) Who is most likely to be the first to make a million dollars?

104.) Who is most likely to join the military?

105.) Who is most likely to become a model?

106.) Who is most likely to fall in love with their best friend?

Clever queries

These more challenging “Who is most likely to questions” might require you to pause and think a little longer. Take your time and then respond.

107.) Who is most likely to win the lottery and then lose the ticket?

108.) Who is the most likely to write the great American novel?

109.) Who is the most likely to win an Olympic Gold Medal?

110.) Who is the most likely to listen to rock and roll?

111.) Who is most likely to join a band?

112.) Who is the most likely to invent something handy?

113.) Who is most likely to be in a commercial?

114.) Who is the most likely to sing in the shower?

115.) Who is the most likely to win an Oscar?

116.) Who would most prefer to live in a big city?

117.) Who is the most likely to marry royalty?

118.) Who is most likely to win American Idol?

119.) Who is most likely to cry during sad movies?

120.) Who is most likely to hang the toilet paper the wrong way?

121.) Who is most likely to cure a disease?

122.) Who is most likely to be asked for ID at age 35?

123.) Who is most likely to set a Guinness world record?

124.) Who is most likely to gain one million followers on social media, e.g., Twitter?

125.) Who is most likely to work as a Walmart greeter when they retire?

126.) Who is most likely to win a State Fair ribbon?

How and when to use

Here are some ideas on where and how to use these “Who is most likely to questions”:

Most of these questions are appropriate for folks of all ages. So, they can be great conversation starters and ways to pass time when you have a long car ride ahead of you with the family. If you find one that is questionable, just move on to the next.

If you talk to many successful people, it’s amazing how many attribute their success to their dinner-time conversations with their parents and siblings.

Maybe make it an ongoing thing for a week or month, and ask one of these questions at the end of each meal. Create an important event around conversation. Allow everyone to answer.

Hey, this list makes for a fun party activity. Shy folks come out of their shells as everyone gets a chance to contribute. It makes for some lively conversations and fun times!

How to play this game? Well, here are two approaches. First, just print off this list “as is” and go right down the line of questions. The person to the left of the reader answers first and then proceeds clockwise with each subsequent answerer. Then, the list is passed on, and the process continues.

The second way is to write down 10, 15, or 20 questions on slips of paper. A reader draws a question out of a bowl and reads it. One person answers. After answering, that person picks a question and the next respondent. No one can go twice before everyone has answered once.

One more tip for gameplay

Part of the fun of this game is the follow-up questions. So if Jack is determined to be the person most likely to mess up the first date, ask Jack and others how you think he’d do it. It’s in these follow-up questions and conversations that some of the real humor shines.

I hope you enjoyed it.

By Tim Moodie

Tim Moodie is a freelance writer and product developer. He has written over 50,000 trivia questions for a variety of trivia games. He’s written articles for Mental Floss Magazine, CNN.com, and St. Paul Paper.

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