117+ What Do You Call Jokes

What do you call jokes to feature a classic format that most of us have heard from comedians and late-show hosts? Why do they work? They’re short, easy to remember, and if they’re good, they pack a punch.

You should always have a couple of these jokes up your sleeve for all social situations. You’ll be able to provide a moment of levity at a social event.

Most people like to hear a good joke. They’re handy for dinner parties, tailgating events, birthdays, and weddings. So, here’s a collection of What Do You Call Jokes just for your telling pleasure.

The Best

Here are our favorite What Do You Call Jokes.

1.) Q: What do you call a sick juggler?
A: Someone who can’t stop throwing up.

2.) Q: What do you call a drill sergeant?
A: A dentist in the army.

3.) Q: What do you call a camel with no humps?
A: Humphrey.

4.) Q: What do you call someone who shaves 10 times a day?
A: A Barber.

5.) Q: What do you call a horse that can’t lose a race?
A: A Sherbet

6.) Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An Impasta.

7.) Q: What do you call someone who draws funny pictures of cars?
A: A Car-toonist.

8.) Q: What do you call a man with a toilet on his head?
A: John

9.) Q: What do you call a really cool rabbit?
A: A hip-hopper.

10.) Q: What do you call someone who says, “life gave me melons?”
A: Dyslexic.

What do you call jokes.

Good Ones

11.) Q: What do you call two guys from Mexico playing Basketball?
A: Juan on Juan

12.) Q: What do you call something that goes up when the rain comes down?
A: An Umbrella. Check out more umbrella jokes, riddles, and captions.

13.) Q: What do you call a funny mountain?
A: Hill-arious

14.) Q: What do you call a sleepwalking nun?
A: A Roamin’ Catholic.

15.) Q: What do you call a police officer in bed?
A: An undercover cop.

16.) Q: What does a triangle call a circle?
A: Pointless.

17.) Q: What do you call a bear in the rain?
A: A Drizzly Bear.

18.) Q: What do you call the month that soldiers hate most?
A: March

19.) Q: What do you call something easy to get into but hard to get out of?
A: Trouble

20.) Q: What do you call the longest word in the dictionary?
A: Smiles, because there is a mile between each “s.”

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21.) Q: What do you call the pants of a five-legged monster?
A: A Glove.

22.) Q: What do you call the death of a guy who is hit by a falling ax?
A: Axe-i-dental.

23.) Q: What do you call a horse that likes arts and crafts?
A: A Hobby Horse.

24.) Q: What do you call the lights on Noah’s Ark?
A: Flood Lights.

25.) Q: What do you call a man with no ears?
A: Anything you want.

Check out 17 Funny Backhanded Compliments


26.) Q: What do you call a bee that’s having a bad hair day?
A: A Frisbee.

27.) Q: What do you call your daughter’s boyfriend when he brings her home late?
A: An ambulance.

28.) Q: What do you call a song sung in a car?
A: A car tune.

29.) Q: What do you call a joke without a punchline?
A: Silence.

30.) Q: What do you call a pig that knows Karate?
A: A Pork Chop.

31.) Q: What do you call a magician on a plane?
A: A Flying Sorcerer.

32.) Q: What do you call shorts that clouds wear?
A: Thunderwear.

33.) Q: What do you call a stolen kiss?
A: A Felony.

34.) Q: What do you call someone who is working with a clock under his desk?

A: Working Overtime.

35.) Q: What do you call a paddle sale at the marina?
A: An oar deal.

See clean jokes for tweens.


36.) Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back?
A: A stick.

37.) Q: What do you call someone who cleans the bottom of the ocean?
A: A Mer-Maid.

38.) Q: What do you call a 300-pound tight end?
A: A wide receiver

39.) Q: What do you call a pencil that is broken?
A: Pointless.

40.) Q: What does a cannibal call someone who uses a wheelchair?
A: Meals on Wheels

41.) Q: What do you call a skeleton who went out in freezing temperatures?|
A: A numb skull.

You Laugh, You Lose Video

Cheesy Humor

42.) Q: What do you call an M& M that went to college?
A: A smarty.

43.) Q: What do you call something that always gets ahead?
A: A wig.

44.) Q: What do you call something that stays on the ground but never gets dirty?
A: A shadow

45.) Q: What do you call a South American woman who is always in a hurry?
A: An Urgent Tina

46.) Q: What do you call two octopuses that look the same?
A: Itenticle

47.) Q: What do you call a bear with no socks?
A: Barefoot.

48.) Q: What do you call a clock that is thrown through the air?
A: Time flies.

49.) Q: What do you call an egg laid by an evil chicken?
A: A deviled egg.

50.) Q: What do you call a key that opens the door on Thanksgiving?
A: A Turkey.

51.) Q: What do you call an alligator wearing a vest?
A: An investigator.

52.) Q: What do you call a sheep covered in chocolate?
A: A candy baa.

53.) Q: What do you call the daughter of a hamburger?
A: Patty.

54.) Q: What do you call something you can serve but never eat?
A: A Volleyball.

55.) Q: What do you do to get a robot mad?
A: Push all of its buttons.

56.) Q: What do you call something that runs but never gets anywhere?
A: A refrigerator.

57.) Q: What do you call the shoes that all spies wear?
A: Sneakers.

58.) Q: What do you call a dead parrot?
A: Polygon.

Jokes for Teens

59.) Q: What do you call shaving a sheep that’s crazy?
A: Shear madness.

60.) Q: What did the alien say to the garden?
A: Take me to your weeder.

61.) Q: What do you call someone who is bouncing a basketball?
A: A dribbler.

62.) Q: What do you call a cow with a twitch?
A: Beef Jerky.

63.) Q: What do you calla Russian Tree?
A: Dimitree

64.) Q: What do you call a dollar frozen in a block of ice?
A: Cold hard cash.

65.) Q: What do you call a pessimistic Mexican?
A: A Mexican’t.

66.) Q: What do you call someone trying to catch a squirrel in a tree?
A: A nut.

67.) Q: What do you call a big pile of kittens?
A: A meowtain.

68.) Q: What do you call why Snoop Dogg carries an umbrella?
A: Fo’ drizzle.

69.) Q: What do you call dangerous precipitation?
A: A rain of terror.

70.) Q: What do you call someone who plays Fortnite all day and all night?
A: A virgin.

71.) Q: What do you call a cow jumping over barbed wire?
A: Utter destruction.

72.) Q: What do you call a blonde who dies her hair brown?
A: Artificial Intelligence.

Good Humor

73.) Q: What do you call a cat sitting on ice?
A: One cool cat.

74.) Q: What do you call a priest that becomes an attorney?
A: Father-in-Law.

75.) Q: What do you call blackbirds that stick together?
A: Vel-crows.

76.) Q: What do you call a chair that smokes weed?
A: A highchair.

77,) Q: What do you call a bagel that can fly?
A: A plain bagel.

78.) Q: What do you call a table that is next to your bed?
A: A one-night stand.

79.) Q: What do you order at a restaurant called Karma?
A: You get what you deserve.

80.) Q: What do you call a deer that only costs a dollar?
A: A buck.

81.) Q: What do you call a sad coffee?
A: Depresso.

Short What Do You Call Humor

82.) Q: What do you call a farm that grows bad jokes?
A: Corny.

83.) Q: What do you call a dog that’s freezing?
A: A chili dog.

84.) Q: What do you call a dinosaur with a large vocabulary?
A: A Thesaurus.

85.) Q: What do you call a bear with extreme mood swings?
A: A bi-polar bear.

86.) Q: What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?
A: An irrelephant.

87.) Q: What do you call fruit playing the guitar?
A: A jam session.

88.) Q: What do you call a joke you tell while washing your hands?
A: A clean joke.

89.) Q: What do you call a pony with a sore throat?
A: A little horse.

90.) Q: What do you call an owl that’s a magician?
A: Who-dini.

91.) Q: What do you call a red neck that’s on fire?
A: A firecracker.

92.) Q: What do you call a cow in an earthquake?
A: A milkshake.

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Funny Jokes

93.) Q: What do you call two birds that are in love?
A: Tweethearts.

94.) Q: What do you call leftover salad?
A: The last romaines.

95.) Q: What do you call a computer that sings?
A: A Dell.

96.) Q: What do you call someone who never passes gas in public?
A: A private tutor.

97.) Q: What do you call a witch that lives at the beach?
A: A sand witch.

98.) Q: What do you call a factory that manufactures products that are just OK?
A: A satisfactory.

99.) Q: What did the man say when I tried to get some of his chips and cheese?
A: Hey, it’s nacho cheese.

100.) Q: What do you call a clown that’s incarcerated?
A: A silicon.

101.) Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer.

102.) Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A: A gummy bear.

103.) Q: What do you call an avocado that’s been blessed by the pope?
A: Holy Guacamole.

104.) Q: What do you call an aardvark that is three feet long?
A: A Yardvark.

105.) Q: What do you call a cat that has a fondness for beans?
A: Puss ‘N Toots.

106.) Q: What do you call a pay toilet?
A: Johnny Cash.

Jokes for Kids

107.) Q: What do you call a cow that plays a musical instrument?
A: A moosician.

108.) Q: What do you call an army retreating from a battle?
A: A backup plan.

109.) Q: What do you call a Jedi warrior with only one hand?
A: Hand solo.

110.) Q: What do you call a cute door?
A: Adorable.

111.) Q: What do you call a piece of sad cheese?
A: Blue cheese.

112.) Q: What do you call a church that’s on fire?
A: Holy smokes.

113.) Q: What do you call a disagreement between two electric companies?
A: A power struggle.

114.) Q: What do you call cow-eating grass?
A: A lawn moo-er.

115.) Q: What do you call milk that gets anything it wants?
A: Spoiled milk.

116.) Q: What do you call a math rock band fronted by Al Gore?
A: Algorithm.

117.) Q: What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
A: A dinosnore.

118.) What do you call a pig in a blanket?
A: A pig-nic.

119.) Q: What do you call a baby polar bear?
A: An ice cub.

120.) Q: What do you call a deer with no eyes?
A: No eye deer.

121.) Q: What do you call a fish with no eyes?

122.) Q: What do you call a dead pine tree?
A: A Nevergreen

By Tim Moodie

Tim ghostwrote jokes for a book author who would tell them on her promotional book tours. He wrote funny greeting cards, coffee mugs, and toilet paper for Recycled Paper Products.

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