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Happy Easter Messages

Our collection of Happy Easter messages, quotes, and memes for your friends and family makes it easier for you to express yourself.

This religious holiday is frequently celebrated with Easter cards, candies, dinner out, or a feast at home.

To help express yourself to friends and family, we’ve put together lists of messages, wishes, greetings, quotes, poems, images, and memes as a resource for you. So, have a hoppin’ good time reviewing the lists below.

Best Happy Easter Messages.

Best Happy Easter Captions

1.) Cute as a Bunny.

2.) Have an Eggstra Special Time.

3.) The thrill of the hunt.

4.) Have a Hoppin’ Good Time.

5.) A Basket Full of Blessings.

6.) That’s a great dye job.

7.) That bunny is all ears.

8.) For Peep’s Sake!

9.) Easter-ific.

10.) Somebunny loves you.

You may like Candy Quotes and Captions.

Somebunny Loves You.

Funny Easter Greetings

11.) Follow the bunny; he has the chocolate!

12.) Some bunny thinks you’re amazing.

13.) May your day be filled with solid chocolate bunnies, not those cheapo hollow ones.

14.) Give me your jelly beans and no one gets hurt.

15.) Shake your cottontail.

16.) Keep calm and hop on.

17.) How’s the diet going?
Not good. I had eggs for breakfast.

18.) Will trade sister for eggs.

19.) Somebunny needs a glass of wine pronto.

20.) The time to put all your eggs in one basket.

21.) Every bunny needs some bunny sometimes.

22.) What do you get when you pour boiling hot water down a bunny hole?
A hot cross bunny.

23.) The bunny is my homeboy.

Give me you jelly beans saying.

Happy Easter Messages

24.) Loving Easter Greetings.

25.) Have a wonderful and blessed day.

26.) May the miracle of the season bring you renewed faith, joy, and happiness.

27.) Hi Honey Bunny!

28.) Happy holidays from our house to yours.

29.) May the spirit of the Resurrection fill your home with blessings.

30.) Hippity Hoppity, Happy Easter Day!

Check out Inspirational Easter Greetings.

Risen Lord image.

Religious Easter Sayings

31.) May the spirit of Easter renew your hearts.

32.) Jesus restores my soul.

33.) It’s the time to rejoice and be grateful for all the blessings bestowed on us.

34.) Wishing you peace, love, and happiness at Easter and always.

35.) May this Day be a joyful one for you.

36.) Bunny Kisses and Easter Basket Wishes.

37.) You’re Somebunny Special! Sending you joyful hugs for a wonderful Day.

38.) You Crack Me Up.

39.) May the promise of Easter fill you with faith, joy, and love.

Easter Greetings.

Easter Wishes

40.) May your season be filled with faith, hope, and chocolate.

41.) Hanging with my Peeps.

42.) Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.

43.) Egg-stra Ordinary!

44.) One cute chick!

45.) I’m so egg-cited!

46.) Hip Hop Hurray!

47.) May your basket be as full as your heart is with blessings.

48.) Do more of what makes you Hoppy!

49.) Scrambling for Eggs.

Sayings For Easter

50.) I’m a funny little bunny sitting on a stump. I flap my floppy little ears and then I jump, jump, jump!

51.) Hoppin’ Good Time.

52.) Believe in the Bunny.

53.) Here comes Peter Cottontail.

54.) Hip Hop Hurray, Easter’s on its way.

55.) Christ our Lord is Risen Today.

56.) Celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord.

Tip: Spring and Easter go hand-in-hand. Your decor Easter might include small communications that include these messages.

When is Easter?

Easter is known as a “moveable feast” as there is no fixed date on the annual calendar for it. It is traditionally celebrated on the first full moon that occurs on or the soonest to March 21.

The week preceding the holiday is known as “Holy Week.” The 40 days before the celebration (not counting Sundays) is referred to as Lent. It’s a time of fasting and prayer for those who recognize it.

Why are there Easter Eggs?

Eggs are an age-old symbol of rebirth and life. In Mesopotamia, Christians took eggs and stained them red to symbolize the blood of Christ. The egg became a symbol of Jesus’s tomb. Having children dye eggs (chickens) and decorating them is a tradition for many families.

The Easter Bunny

Much like Santa Claus for Christmas, the Easter Bunny is a legendary character that delivers – frequently hiding – baskets full of candy and goodies. In the U.S., the President traditionally holds the Easter Egg Roll on the White House’s lawn.

Easter Poems

Easter by Joyce Kilmer

The air is like a butterfly
With frail blue wings.
The happy earth looks at the sky
And sings.

Easter Day by Oscar Wilde

The silver trumpets rang across the Dome:
The people knelt upon the ground with awe:
And borne upon the necks of men I saw,
Like some great God, the Holy Lord of Rome.
Priest-like, he wore a robe more white than foam,
And, king-like, swathed himself in royal red,
Three crowns of gold rose high upon his head:
In splendour and in light the Pope passed home.
My heart stole back across wide wastes of years
To One who wandered by a lonely sea,
And sought in vain for any place of rest:
‘Foxes have holes, and every bird its nest.
I, only I, must wander wearily,
And bruise my feet, and drink wine salt with tears.’

Easter Wings by George Herbert

Lord, who createdst man in wealth and store,
Though foolishly he lost the same,
Decaying more and more,
Till he became
Most poor:
With thee
O let me rise
As larks, harmoniously,
And sing this day thy victories:
Then shall the fall further the flight in me.

My tender age in sorrow did begin:
And still with sicknesses and shame
Thou didst so punish sin,
That I became
Most thin.
With thee
Let me combine
And feel this day thy victory:
For, if I imp my wing on thine,
Affliction shall advance the flight in me.

Easter Wishes In Spanish

Happy Easter! = Felices Pascuas!

May your Easter hold peace, joy and love. = Que su Pascua tenga paz, alegría y amor.

A basket full of blessings.
Follow the bunny, he has the chocolate.
God loves each of us quote.

Happy Easter Quotes

57.) The greatest gift of Easter is hope.
Basil Hume

58.) Earth’s saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart.
Susan Coolidge

59.) Faith makes all things possible. Love makes all things easy.cl
Dwight L. Moody

60.) He is not here; He has risen.
Mark 16:6

61.) The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.
Carl Knudsen

62.) God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.
Saint Augustine

63.) Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.
Martin Luther

64.) A late Easter, a long, cold spring.
French Proverb

65.) We live and die; Christ died and lived!
John Stott

Religious Easter Quotations

66.) God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’
Pope John Paul II

67.) A man who was completely innocent offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act.
Mahatma Gandhi

68.) There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter.
Gordon B. Hinckley

69.) Easter tells us that life is to be interpreted not simply in terms of things but in terms of ideals.
Charles M. Crowe

70.) Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.’
John 11:25-26

71.) Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.
Janine di Giovanni

72.) Jesus took my place on the cross to give me a place in heaven.

Spring is Here

73.) It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.
Rainer Maria Rilke

74.) The Earth laughs in flowers.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

75.) Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing.
Albert Laighton

76.) Those have a short Lent who owes money to be paid at Easter.
Benjamin Franklin

77.) I must have flowers, always and always.
Claude Monet

78.) April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.
William Shakespeare

79.) All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt!
Lucy Van Pelt, Peanuts Comic

80.) Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.
Charles M. Crowe

81.) The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies.
Kate McGahan

82.) Let the resurrection joy lift us from loneliness and weakness and despair to strength and beauty and happiness.
Floyd W. Tomkins

83.) Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life.
S.D. Gordon

Easter Bible Verses

84.) God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.
John 3:16-17

85.) Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
1: Peter 1: 3

86.) So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived!
2 Corinthians 5:17

87.) Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.
Pope John Paul II

88.) And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.
1 Corinthians 6:14

89.) We know that Christ has been raised from the dead and he will never die again. Death no longer has power over him.
Romans 6:9

Happy Easter Wishes

90.) May you find sunshine, love, family, and chocolate bunnies on Easter.

91.) Have a happy, hoppy Easter and plenty of chocolate.

92.) Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

93.) Easter is a time of renewal and new beginnings.

94.) It’s Easter morning. Time for Easter celebrations and egg hunts.

95.) Happy Easter to my favorite peeps.

96.) I hope you have an egg-cellent Easter Sunday.

Easter Blessings

97.) Wishing you a joyful and blessed Easter Sunday!

98.) Rejoice in this Easter Season!

99.) May the miracle of Easter bring you happiness and peace.

100.) Have a blessed and beautiful Easter.

By Michael O’Halloran

About Michael O'Halloran

Michael O’Halloran founded Greeting Card Poet in 2014 and has worked as its publisher and editor ever since. He has co-authored four books on kids’ trivia and four on coaching. Previously, Michael was the president of Magnetic Poetry. He has invented and brought over 75 new gift and toy products to market, most of which deal with wordplay. Mike is married and a father of four daughters.

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