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Spring Riddles

These Spring riddles address the topics associated with the spring season.

Inventive and fun, we’ll explore the spring season via weather, nature, outdoor activities, and other themes related to Spring.

With this collection of Spring riddles, you can challenge your friends to see who knows the answers. Teachers, quiz your students in a classroom setting or read them to your own children in the car. Or, try them yourself to see if you have what it takes to spring forward.

Short Spring Riddles

1.) What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Bugs Bunny

2.) What did the dirt say to the rain?
If this keeps up, my name will be mud.

3.) I am a bow that can’t be tied.
A rainbow.

4.) What do you call a cyborg bee?
The Pollinator.

Take the 55 Difficult Riddles Challenge with tips on how to solve brain teasers.

Fun Riddles About Spring.

5.) I die once a year, yet time makes me stronger.
A tree.

6.) Why did the bird go to the hospital?
It needed tweetment!

7.) What’s Irish and comes out in Spring?
Paddy O’Furniture

8.) Which month likes walking?

You might like our Collection of Riddles page.

Easy Brain-twisters

Although I’m a flower, you can find me in your eye. What am I?
An iris.

What’s a baby chick’s favorite plant?
. (Sometimes, the most obvious choice is the answer!)

What’s the best day of the year to monkey around with your friends?
Ape-ril Fool’s Day, of course.

What did the big flower say to the little one?
You’re really growing bud!

What goes up when the rain comes down?
An umbrella.

How does a bee brush its hair?
With its honeycomb.

Why are waterbeds so bouncy?
They’re filled with spring water.

Why is April the cleanest month?
April Showers.

See Best Riddles With Answers.

Hard Spring Questions

There are five holes in the ground and four seeds. A little boy plants one seed in the second hole. Then, a seed exactly to the right of that seed. Next, he plants a seed in the 5th hole, and finally, he plants a seed with four holes to the left of that. Which hole did not get a seed?
The fourth hole.

How do you know that bees are happy?
Because they hum while they work.

A teacher and a student were counting puddles. The student was the teacher’s daughter, but the teacher was not the girl’s mother. Who was the teacher?
Her father.

Challenging Puzzles

There were two children, the son, and the daughter. The daughter was born on January 20, and the son was born on March 12. Both of them were born in the morning. Which one did their parents see first?
The sun because it was the morning.

What do you call a grizzly bear caught in the rain?
A drizzly bear.

Why did the farmer bury all his money?
To make his soil rich.

See 73 Riddles and Brainteasers.

Funny Spring Riddles

What do you call the Easter bunny the day after Easter?

What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls?

Why is the letter A like a flower?
A bee (B) comes after it!

Where did the bunny go when it was told it had to hop farther east?

What do you call a well-dressed lion?
A dandy lion.

Why couldn’t the flower ride it’s bike?
It lost its petals.

Did you hear about the pregnant bedbug?
She’s having her babies in the spring.

Do you know all about April 1?
Yes, I’m fooly aware of it!

Tricky Spring Riddles

Why is spring a great season to start a gardening business?
Because it’s when you can really “rake” in the money!

What do bears need in spring?
The bare necessities.

What did the mother worm say to the little worm who was late?
Where in earth have you been?

What kind of garden does a baker have?
A flour garden.

What is Spring’s favorite appetizer?
A bloomin’ onion.

Why can’t basketball players go on a Spring Break vacation?
They’d get called for traveling.

How does the sun listen to music?
On its ray-dio!

What did the summer say to the spring?
“Help, I’m going to Fall!”

Spring Puzzlers for Adults

If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?

A mama robin has two daughters. Each of her daughters has a brother. How many children does the mama robin have?
She has 3. Both of the daughters have the same one brother.

I fall, but I don’t get hurt. I pour, but I’m not a jug. And, I help plants grow, but I’m not the sun. What am I?

What do you get when you push a bunch of Easter eggs down a hill?
Spring rolls.

What is Spring’s favorite kind of pickles?

What is a spring chick after it is five months old?
Six months old.

Why are people who go camping on April 1 always tired?
Because they just finished a March.

Why did the worm cross the ruler?
To become an inchworm.

Spring Riddles for Kids

When is the best time to play on a pogo stick?

What does the Easter Bunny order at a Chinese Restaurant?
A Hop Suey.

Where do ants go for Spring Break?
France (Frants)

When’s the best time to wash your Slinky?
During spring cleaning.

What is small, round, and colorful and gets hidden over and over again?
An Easter Egg.

What monster plays the most April Fool’s jokes?

How can you tell spring flowers are friendly?
They always have new buds.

Why is Star Wars ‘Yoda such a good gardener?
He has a green thumb.

Who is an herb’s favorite singer?
Elvis Parsley

Which superhero likes spring the best?

In the summer, I stay awake longer, and in the winter, I go to sleep early. What am I?
The sun.

Spring Break Riddles

Flowers in bloom, and rain showers I bring. I live in your mattress and even trampolines. What am I?

Where do sharks go for Spring Break?

It’s springtime! Where can you see lots of pretty flowers?
At the flower shop.

Why did one bee tease the other bee?
Because he was acting like a bay-bee!

What month of the year is the shortest?
May – it only has 3 letters.

What can be seen in the middle of the months’ April’ and ‘March’ that cannot be seen in the beginning or end of either month?
The letter “r.”

How can you tell the weather’s getting warmer?
There’s a spring in people’s steps.

A month in spring that rhymes with day.

What type of bird should you never take to the bank?
A robin.

See Spring Break Quotes.

Spring Flower Riddles

This spring blossom rhymes with hairy.

How did the daffodil win the car race?
Petal to the metal.

When is it impossible to plant flowers?
When you haven’t botany.

What is yellow, 10 feet tall, but not a giraffe?
A sunflower.

Which flowers like to kiss?

What do you call a girl with a frog on her head?

I am a spring flower that rhymes with hill, if; if know my name, tell me you will.

Spring Riddles with Answers

64.) What do the trees say when they start getting their leaves back in spring?
What a re-leaf!

65.) In spring, I look gay, Covered in a green array, The warmer it gets the more clothing I wear, As; as cold grows, I throw away my clothes. What am I?
A tree.

66.) What did the seed say to the flower?
OK, Bloomer!

67.) How do sheep celebrate Memorial Day?
With a baa-baa cue.

68.) Why was the bee mad?
You’d be mad too if someone stole your honey and nectar.

69.) What does the Easter Rabbit get for making a basket?
Two points just like everybody.

70.) What did the bread do on Spring Break?
It loafed around.

71.) Why did the farmer plant a seed in his pond?
He was trying to grow a water-melon.

72.) What’s the best flower for a boy to give on Mother’s Day?
A son-flower.

73.) A cub, a bunny, and a gosling are taking a walk. One of them sneezes. It’s not the animal that hops, and it’s not the animal that flies. Which animal sneezed?
The cub.

By Sam Anderson

Emily writes about games, riddles, and toys.


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