How to write a conclusion paragraph

How to write a conclusion paragraph is a struggle many of us have faced in school and at work.

A conclusion paragraph is a vital part of any piece of writing, be it an essay, a blog post, or an academic paper. Sadly, it is also the most overlooked area of writing, so much so that some writers even skip it together.

A conclusion paragraph is essential because it provides your readers with clarity and insight on the topic, besides summing up the contents of your piece of writing. It also provides you with an opportunity to leave your reader with a good impression and a sense of closure and satisfaction by tying up all the loose ends.

But conclusion paragraphs also happen to be the most challenging part of writing for many people. In this post, we’ll tell you how to write a good conclusion paragraph. But first, let’s have a look at:

How to write a conclusion paragraph.

Different types of conclusion paragraphs

Here are a few approaches to wrapping up your paper.


This type of conclusion paragraph is written mostly when working with technical subjects. Surveys, definitions, and reports; all include a summarization conclusion paragraph because it sums up the central ideas shared in the article. When writing this type of conclusion, be sure not to use subjective opinions and reflexive references.


Editorialization is used in texts addressing controversial topics, appeals, or personal connections. The idea here is to persuade the reader by incorporating the writer’s commentary regarding the subject matter. In other words, the writer narrates their subjective opinion associated with the topic at hand. Editorialization conclusion paragraphs generally have a conversational tone and incorporate anecdotes to attract readers.


Externalization is used in articles that address particular issues that are part of more complex subjects. It allows your readers to transition into separate but related topics, leading them to develop the discussion further. Externalization conclusion paragraphs are often interpreted as a new introduction with a different thesis, allowing room for development into a separate essay.

Strategies for writing an effective conclusion

In order to write an effective conclusion paragraph, we recommend following these four steps.

Restate the thesis

A good conclusion paragraph always attracts the reader’s attention to the essay’s purpose. Therefore, it is a good idea to paraphrase your argument while ensuring that the primary point of the article is preserved. While you can restate the thesis, avoid repeating the thesis verbatim.

Reiterate your supporting points

It is also good to reiterate the points made initially to support your argument through your essay. But make sure not to repeat the lengthy arguments written in your essay; instead, summarize them.

Connecting your opening and closing statements

Linking your conclusion paragraph with your introductory paragraph establishes a connection between the two and makes your essay appear more cohesive.

Provide some insight

Leave your reader with something to think about, such as a question, a solution, or more thoughts.

How to start a conclusion paragraph

Summarizing your arguments can leave you scratching your head sometimes. But you are not the only one facing this dilemma. Wrapping up an essay with a reasonable conclusion is critical to ensure that all your writing efforts have not gone to waste.

You can start writing a conclusion by giving your reader some closure to make their own informed decision on the matter. Needless to say, a good conclusion always leaves readers with a fantastic impression and makes the article memorable.

Much like first impressions, last impressions are super important. Like the dessert after a five-course meal, the conclusion paragraph should leave your reader content and happy.

It is a good idea to start small and then add more information as you go. Keep the three core elements of a conclusion paragraph in mind: the thesis statement, the summary, and the significance.

You could start with your thesis statement because restating your thesis is critical to creating a solid impression. However, do not just copy-paste your thesis. Instead, you could reiterate it.

Next, summarize your main arguments and add an analysis that draws a definite conclusion. And finally, wrap up everything with a powerful statement.

You have already given your reader a detailed insight into everything. Now consider including a conclusion paragraph to present a brief overview of the crux of your essay.

Outline of a conclusion paragraph

Writing an effective conclusion starts with the formulation of a good outline. Tackling a task as tricky as a conclusion paragraph becomes easier when you have a blueprint to follow.

You could sum up all the points you wish to incorporate in your essay and make bullet points for your reference. Start with a summary of all the critical ideas shared in your essay and add suggestions if they require additional reading or research.

Also, restate your thesis in a different format and, if possible, try to incorporate a question into the statement to compel the reader to think.

However, refrain from adding new suggestions or pointers that have not been discussed in the text previously. If you added three arguments in your text, present a quick summary of those three arguments in your conclusion as well. Remember to phrase the wordings differently.

Be sure to always use a professional and confident tone so the reader understands that you stand by your argument.

Conclusion paragraph examples

Let us now go through some valuable conclusion paragraph examples.

1. Should students be allowed to carry cell phones in elementary school?

While it may be convenient to allow an elementary school student to have a cell phone, evidence suggests that it is far from advisable. Children today have easy access to the media, which already adds to a parent’s responsibility of child monitoring.

Allowing exclusive cell phone access adds to the equation and harbors the potential to make the ordeal even more challenging for the parent. Furthermore, issues like cyberbullying and general internet security predispose the child to unforeseeable risks that they are not mature enough to tackle independently. Therefore, allowing a young child to use a cell phone must be monitored with vigilance and care.

2. What is the most significant workplace challenge for women?

Despite being employed in greater numbers in certain industries, women face many challenges at work, the most prominent being wage gaps. Wage gap stunts economic growth, besides limiting opportunities for children whose mothers are the family’s sole breadwinners. In addition, women are rarely assigned positions of higher authority.

Less than 6% of Fortune 500 companies have a female CEO, proving that women have a steeper hill to climb in the world of top-tier jobs. If provided with a more level playing field, opportunities for women are sure to increase, and the workforce will eventually be more inclusive and welcoming for everyone.

3. Important subject children should be taught in school but unfortunately isn’t

Financial management is perhaps one of the most important subjects that should be taught to school children. Children must know basic life skills like opening a bank account, purchasing a car, paying utility bills, saving money, investing money, and more. Financial literacy can prepare school children for the real world and make a positive contribution to society.

4. Effects of video games on children

Video games have become an integral part of many children’s lives. However, the rising aggression among children and exposure to violence raises important questions about the amount of video game exposure. It is no surprise that the video game world is growing exponentially. And improved graphics and video quality are making it increasingly difficult to separate virtual reality from actual reality.

While educational games are excellent for boosting brain development and growth, games with violent content and aggression instigate aggressive behavior among teens. When violent games award the player for aggression, it reinforces the idea that violence is acceptable and valuable.

For this reason, video game developers must be held accountable for the content they are adding to their games. Moreover, more parental control and restrictions on video game usage are the need over time.

Should I use “In conclusion”?

Even though it may sound natural, phrases like “in conclusion” are a cliché in most cases. It makes your essay look boring and redundant. Conclusions are quite challenging to conjure, but they don’t have to be as such. Make sure to conclude your essay with creative expression and give your reader something to think about after they are done reading your work.

Most importantly, refrain from selling your conclusion short. The conclusion part is not necessarily a summary of the whole piece but a chance for you to make a lasting impact on the reader. So, make it memorable and powerful.

Final words

Here’re some conclusion words you may use in your essay:

  • generally speaking
  • in the final analysis
  • all things considered
  • as shown above
  • in the long run
  • given these points
  • in fact
  • in summary
  • as has been noted
  • in a word
  • for the most part
  • after all
  • in conclusion
  • in short
  • to summarize
  • on balance
  • altogether
  • in essence
  • in brief
  • overall
  • ordinarily
  • usually
  • by and large
  • to sum up
  • on the whole
  • in any event
  • in either case
  • all in all
  • obviously
  • ultimately
  • definitely
  • as can be seen

Last Thoughts on How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph

A conclusion paragraph gives you the chance to present your essay’s crux or main idea and wrap things up. Depending on your writing, you could use any of the three types of conclusion paragraphs explained above.

In any case, keep your conclusion as concise as possible. Make your argument, and be sure to reiterate your statements, so your writing sounds powerful and confident. All it takes is a little bit of practice and revision.

By Anne Matea

With a Master’s degree in Management and Communication in Business and over two decades of experience writing content for the digital world, Anne loves to play with words and create content that is fun and engaging.


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